My blog provides tips for new writers on writing paragraphs, tackling grammar, and designing essays. There are also prompts for creative writers and ideas for tutoring and teaching writing. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A little creative writing on and off the planet

Writing exercise on Earth

Describe times when you or your character feels grounded. What conditions are present? What is the environment? Who or what is present? Create the scene for us in great detail.

Writing exercise that's not on Earth.

So we’re all familiar with Earth. We know what it looks like, feels like, sounds, smells, and even tastes like. What if we were colonists on a new Earth? A new planet not meant for human habitation, but for whatever reason, inheriting our species nonetheless. What does this new Earth look like, feel like, sound, smell, and taste like. The second you step off the ship, what is your impression? What do you say to your companions? What do you do?

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