My blog provides tips for new writers on writing paragraphs, tackling grammar, and designing essays. There are also prompts for creative writers and ideas for tutoring and teaching writing. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Creative writing about air and water

Prompt on the importance of air.

Perhaps our most notable moments with air are our first breath and our last breath. Describe one of these moments in  your life or your character's.

Prompt on the importance of water.

A lot happens in our lives involving water. You can be baptized in it. You can drown in it. You can survive due to it. You can play in it. You can float on it and travel by it. Your home can be destroyed by it. Your property value can be higher if next to it. You can be chastised by receiving a face full of it. You can be a savior by sharing it. Try writing a scene with two or more people in which water plays an important role.

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