My blog provides tips for new writers on writing paragraphs, tackling grammar, and designing essays. There are also prompts for creative writers and ideas for tutoring and teaching writing. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

More about my creative writing process course...

Creative Writing Process Workshop is a series of four classes for writers of all skill levels. During the course we look at the writing process of four published authors and at their work which demonstrates the outcome of that process. Then we use writing prompts to help us mimic that process and generate our own new stories, poems, or memoirs. The course includes brief reading assignments outside of class, but otherwise doesn't require homework. It is my hope that the exercises in class give writers a fresh perspective on generating new material or re-envisioning current projects. The course also balances approaches to writing--some examples feature writers who like to organize upfront, and other examples feature writers who follow the wild ride of creativity and then organize later in the process. Students will have time at the end of our classes to share what they've written that day if they so wish, and the rest of us will enjoy listening to brand new words on paper!

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