My blog provides tips for new writers on writing paragraphs, tackling grammar, and designing essays. There are also prompts for creative writers and ideas for tutoring and teaching writing. Enjoy!

Friday, March 7, 2014

More about my creative writing course...

Creative Writing Workshop is a course for writers who want to generate new material in a playful environment with the support of fellow writers. The course features three to four writing prompts per session including a miniature lesson in topics relevant to prose and poetry and the creative process. Two sessions involve writing in response to the Waldron's art exhibits through unique prompts (like those posted elsewhere in this blog). Classes always include an opportunity to read what you've written. Everyone enjoys hearing the variety of responses to a prompt. The workshop allows you to write without having to perfect anything--the prompts simply spark ideas for later. Together we have a great time and feel motivated to go home and finish what we've started. Many of my own poems and short stories were first composed in these classes. Because each session is unique, it is OK if participants are unable to attend regularly.

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